Name: Jesse GATLIN
Birth: abt 1749 Chowan River Region, NC
Death: 6 May 1837 Randolph Co NC
Marriage: 1777 Bute County, NC
Spouse: Elizabeth BRADLEY
Birth: 8 Dec 1759
Death: 20 May 1846
1 M: James GATLIN
Birth: 25 Jun 1781
2 M: Moses
Birth: 4 Feb 1782 North Carolina
Death: aft 1856 Alabama
Spouse: Avy
(Amy?) ROWE
Marriage: 14 May 1799 Warren Co Georgia
Spouse: Chloe
Marriage: 16 Apr 1803 Warren Co Georgia
3 M: Jesse GATLIN (Twin to Moses)
Birth: 4 Feb 1782
Death: 4 Feb 1782
4 M: Edward GATLIN
Birth: 14 Dec 1784 Franklin Co NC
Death: 1854 Randolph Co NC
Spouse: Polly NEEDHAM
Marriage: 15 Sep 1809
5 F: Morning GATLIN
Birth: 15 Feb 1786
6 M: John GATLIN
Birth: 7 Feb 1788
7 M: Jesse GATLIN JR
Birth: 25 Jul 1790
Spouse: Elizabeth (Betsy) LAURENCE
Marriage: 6 Oct 1820 Randolph Co. NC
8 F: Polly GATLIN
Birth: 10 Apr 1796
9 F: Betche GATLIN
Birth: Feb 1797
10 F: Elizabeth GATLIN
Birth: 1799
Notes for Jesse GATLIN
First I would like to state that their are researchers
of the Jesse Gatlin line who do not believe their is a relationship between
our Moses Allen Gatlin and Jesse Gatlin.
But after much research I do believe that Moses
Allen was the son of Jesse Gatlin and Elizabeth Bradley Gatlin please read
proofs below.
"Lawrence Genealogies " by Marion
Nelson Lawrence page
Jesse Gatlin born about 1760 NC and married
Elizabeth Bradley about
1781, Bute, NC. Elizabeth was born 8 Dec
1759. Jesse's father was
Edward Gatlin and his mother was Mary (Polly)
Needham. Mary Needham's
father was Thomas Needham and her mother was Frances
(Franky) last name
unknown I do not have Edward's father or
Children: 1)James Gatlin born 25 Jun 1781 NC.
2)Moses Allen Gatlin born 4 Feb 1782
3)Edward Gatlin born 14 Dec 1784 NC.
4) Morning Gatlin born 15 Feb 1786NC.
5) John Gatlin born 7 Feb 1888 NC.
6) Jesse Gatlin 25 Jul 1790 NC.
7) Polly Gatlin born 10 Apr 1796 NC.
8) Bteche Gatlin born Feb 1797 NC.
9) Elizabeth Gatlin born abt 1799 NC.
by Mrs. Eva Loe McDuffie pgs. 14 and 15
these pages refer to the pension papers filed
by both Jesse Gatlin and Elizabeth Bradley Gatlin and has the following:
From a leaf of the New Testament, Published
at Edenburgh in 1800, is the following record:
Edward Gatlin born 14 Dec 1784
Morning Gatlin born 15 Feb 1786
John Gatlin born 7 Feb 1788
Jesse Gatlin born 25 Jul 1790
Polly Gatlin born 10 Apr 1796
Betche Gatlin born 2 _____ 1797
James Gatlin born 25 Jun 1781
Edward Gatlin stated that he wrote the names in
the Bible more than thirty years ago and that his brother James, wrote
the date of his mother's more than 30 years ago. His mother
Elizabeth Bradley born 8 Dec 1759
Moses Allen born 4 Feb 1782
Jesse Gatlin died 4 Feb 1782
This is proof that Moses Allen Gatlin is the
son of Elizabeth Bradley and Jesse Gatlin. NOTE: some researchers
say that the work of Mrs Eva Loe McDuffie has many errors and cannot be
relied upon as proof. But in this instance Mrs McDuffie was quoting a source
and in fact listed that source as "" From a leaf of the New Testament,
Published at Edenburgh in 1800, is the following record:"" It
should also be noted that the Bible record's of our ansestors are LEGAL
proof then I see no reason why this record should not be trusted. This
said I am in the process of trying to locate a copy of the New Testament
pages that were published at Edenburgh so as to put the matter finally
to rest.
Reference: North Carolina State Records, Clark,
Vol. XVI, 1782-1783
page 129
Name and Rank: Gatlin, Jese, Pt.
Company: Lytle's
Dates of Enlistment and Commission: 1782
Period of Service: 18 mo.
From Seventeenth Report of the National Society
Daughters American Revolution
page 9 # 91297. Gatlin, Jesse
Pension of Jesse Gatlin, Randolph County, North
Carolina N.W-10047 on
February 1821, Jesse Gatlin age 72 applied for
a pension under the Act of
March 1518 and May 1820. He entered the Service
for six months in North Carolina
in a company commanded by Captain Murphy in a
Regiment commanded by Col. Howe. He was discharged at Edonton, North Caolina,
and re-enlisted for eighteen
months in 1780 in a company commanded by Col.
Archibald Lyttle Under General Greene. He was at the battle of Guilford.
At this time his family consisted of his
wife, Elizabeth age 62 and his daughter Elizabeth,
age 22, a cripple.
Pension papers of Jesse Gatlin filed by both
Jesse and after his death by Elizabeth
North Carolina, Randolph County
Court of Pleas and Quarter? Feb Term 1821
On this 8th day of Febuary Eightenn hundred and
twenty one personally appeared in open court being a court of record for
the County and State aforesaid.
Jesse Gatlin aged seventy-two years who being
first duly sworn according to the law. Doth on his oath make the following
declarations in order to obtain the provision made by the acts of Congress
of the Eighteenth of March eighteen hundred and eighteeen, and the first
of May eighteen hundred and twenty.
That the said Jepe Gattin enlisted for the term
of Six months on the ????? in the state North Carolina in the Company commmanded
by Colonel Howe in the line of the State of North Carolina on the Continental
establishment. (simular to the National Guard) That he continued to serve
in the said corps until the ____day of March_______ when he was discharged
from the said service in Ealenton? In the State of North Carolina.
That he enlisted for the term of Eighteen months
on the ______day of ______ 1780 or 1781 he can't remember which in the
State of North Carolina in the Company commanded by Captain William Lightte
the Regiment commanded by Colonel Archibald Lightte, under the Command
of General Nathaniel Green, in the line of the State of North Carolina
in the Continental establishment (The Continental establishment refered
to the newly formed United States) That he continued to serve in the said
corps untill the thirty first day of August in the year (smeared) hundred
and Eighty (Smeared) when he was discharged from the said service in Hillsbrough
State of North Carolina.
That he was in the Battles of Guilford as a mitita
man and ??? with the Army ???? ????? in South Carolina and that he has
no other evidence now in his ?????? of his said service except what is
herein set forth.
And in ???? of that act of the first of May Eighteen
hundred and twenty, I do solemly swear that I was a citizen of the United
States on the Eighteenth of March Eighteen hundred and eighteen, and I
have not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of my property
or any part thereof with intent thereby to diminish it as to bring myself
within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled ??? act to provide
for certain persons ?? in the land and ?? service of the United States
in the Revolutionary War ?? ??. The eighteenth day of March eighteen
hundred and eighteen and that I have not nor has any person in trust for
me any property or services contracts or debts due to me, nor have I any
income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed and
by me subscribed as follows:
one bed and furniture, one fine chest and table, 3 pewter basins, one dish, one churn, two sitting chairs, 3 knives and 5 forks, one flax wheel, one cotton wheel, one pair of cotten ??, two old barrels, one cat-reel?, two bottles, one pot, one oven and lid, one male horse 12 years old, 2 cows and calves, 1 heifer, 3 sheep, 2 sows and pigs, five small shoat? hogs, 1 ???, one old shovel plough = $60.00
I Jepe Gattin am a farmer by occupation but by sickness affecting my limbs am altogether unable to earn my own living, I have in my family Elizabeth Gatlin, my wife aged sixty-two years who is unable to contribute but very little to my support. Also Elizabeth Gattin my daughter twenty two years old who is a cripple and unable to contribute either to her own, or my support, These two are all I have in family.
Signed Jesse Gatlin
Sworn to and declared on the 8th day of Febuary
(note: Altho Jesse Gatlin is spelled several different ways in this document it should be noted that the signature of Jesse Gatlin does appear on this document and is shakey but very clearly written as Jesse Gatlin. It also should be noted that Jesse Gatlin did not write this document but told a justice or judge the information and it was written down by a justice (JP) or a scribe.)
attached to this file was another statement by
Jesse Gatlin which is almost totaly unreadable this statement appeared
to have been made in May of 1818 it seems to be a statement of his service
with several dates mentioned: Aug 1781 appears to be the date he joined
as private. Jul 1782 "to return home" also states that he resides in Randolph
Co. North Carolina
also attached were pay vouchers both from his
service and from his pension one of these vouchers mentions the date of
his death 6 may 1837 Jesse recieved $8.00 per month under the act of 1818
this ended in 1819 with a total payed of $79.51 it is not known if Jesse
recieved monies under the act of may 1820 but it assumed that he did as
his death date is mentioned on the pay vouchers as the date the claim ended.
State of North Carolina Randolph County
on this 20th of May A.D. 1839 personally
appeared before the subscriber Michael Cox one of the justices of the Court
of pleas and ????? ???? of said county Elizabeth Gatlin aged about
eighty years a resident of said county who being first duly sworn, doth
on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit
of the provision made by the Act of Congress ??? 4th of July 1836
That she is the widow of Jejse Gattin who
was a private in the Army of the Revolutionary War ?? who drew a pension
on eight dollars per month from the United States for several years before
his death and thaat he died on the Sixth day of May one thousand eight
hundred and thirty seven and that she has recived from the United States
the ????? of ??? to her said husband from the 4th day of March 1837 to
the time of his death and as to the services of her said husband she begs
leave to refer to the evidence accompaining the declaration of her said
That she knows that her said husband served as
a private soldier in the War of the Revolution of several years but the
prcise length of his service she does not remember
That he was in the battle of Guilford and several
other engagements of less importance
She further declares that she was married to the
said Gattin in the early part of the Revolutionary War but that neither
she nor her husband could write and no record of the date of their marriage
was ever made so far as she knows nor does she recollect the day or year
in which she was married but she remembers with distinction that she
had five? children by said marriage before the end of the War
and that ????
That her son James Gatlin was born before the
end of the War and he was born on the 25 of june 1781 as she is informed
???? by an old record in her posession which is hereto attached and that
she was never married to any other person but the said Jepse Gatlin
That she was married in the State in what was
then called teh County of Bute ???? which place she removed after the close
of the Was
and she does not knnow of any persons ?? esistence
by whom she can ??? the date fo the marriage with said Gatlin
She knows that she was married when she was aged
about 18 years of age and it appears by the same old record that she is
informed that she was born 8th December 1759 her maiden name being Bradley
She Futher maketh oath that she is very infirm
and lives about five miles from the Court house of Randolph County and
is unable to get there without great bodily pain
That she has not been able to go to the house
of her nearest neighbor, though one of her sons lives in a few hundred
yards for more than a year past.
Elizabeth (her mark) Gatlin
attached to the pension papers is a document
that is unreadable except for dates. It appears to be the document refered
to in the pension papers of Elizabeth Gatlin.
by Mrs. Eva Loe McDuffie pgs. 14 and 15
these pages refer to the pension papers filed
by both Jesse Gatlin and Elizabeth Bradley Gatlin and has the following:
From a leaf of the New Testament, Published at
Edenburgh in 1800, is the following record:
Edward Gatlin born 14 Dec 1784
Morning Gatlin born 15 Feb 1786
John Gatlin born 7 Feb 1788
Jesse Gatlin born 25 Jul 1790
Polly Gatlin born 10 Apr 1796
Betche Gatlin born 2 _____ 1797
James Gatlin born 25 Jun 1781
Edward Gatlin stated that he wrote the names in
the Bible more than thirty years ago and that his brother James, wrote
the date of his mother's more than 30 years ago. His mother
Elizabeth Bradley born 8 Dec 1759
Moses Allen born 4 Feb 1782
Jesse Gatlin died 4 Feb 1782
(note: we believe the Jesse Gatlin listed as having
died on 4 Feb 1782 is the twin of Moses Allen Gatlin)
Gatlin, Jesse Federal Census 1800 NC RANDOLPH
CO. pg 315
2 males under 10 born 1789 to 1800
1 male 10 - 16 born 1784 to 1790
1 male 45 + born before 1755
2females under 10 born 1789 to 1800
1 female 10 - 16 born 1784 to 1790
2females 16 - 26 1784 to 1774
1 female 45 + born before 1755
Jessey and Dempsy Gatlin signed the oath of Allegiance
in order to vote somewhere between the years of 1774-1804 Both living in
the William Alston's district this document was also attached to
the minutes of the meetings of the Saftey Commission held from 1775 and
The E-mail below was sent to a list I belong to
it tells about the Battle for Guilford Courthouse according to pension
records above Jesse fought at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse.
Date Wed, 15 Mar 2000
Hi Group,
Are you ready for today's history lesson?
It was on this day in 1781 that Gen. Nathanael Greene led his army against
Lord Cornwallis in the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Many historians
say that the American Revolution was won at this battle, and only the surrender
was taken at Yorktown. I would not go that far, but the Battle of
Guilford Courthouse was certainly one of the most important battles of
the war. I have visited the site just north of Greensville, North
Carolina some years back, and was impressed that the Park Service has done
such wonderful job of keeping the site as close as possible to how it was
in 1781. Two of my ancestors fought in this battle, and other Blairs
may be interested in the fact that Major Thomas Blair, born 1738 in Ireland,
who married Jane Ruth in about 1863, was in the front line of the Battle
of Guilford Courthouse. We know this because he was a Major in the
local Militia, and they were used as "cannon fodder" by the Continental
Line Off!
icers, who would hold their best troops back to
clean up after the local militia did what damage they could. Remember
these citizen soldiers were fighting the largest and best trained army
in the world at the time, so you can imagine how they felt as the Red Coats
marched toward them. If they ran the regular Continental Army would
shoot them, and if they held their ground the British would shoot them,
or even worse, use the new invention, the Bayonet. Most were more
fearful of the bayonet than they were the flintlock "Brown Bess" rifles
carried by the Red Coats. Many of the local Guilford County Militia
were killed this day in 1781, but my Major Thomas Blair survived to be
given 4,800 acres of land in the Tennessee Territory for his service to
his country. This land grant resulted in most of his children migrating
to Tennessee where my 2nd great grandmother, Tennessee Blair was born in
about 1810. She married Major James Martin Rush in about 1843 and
they came to the Rep!
ublic of Texas in 1845. These ancestors
allow me the privilege of belonging to the Sons of the American Revolution
and the Sons of the Republic of Texas. I am very proud to belong
to both of these patriotic organizations!
Tom Green
New Braunfels, Texas